Artist E / F / G

Titia Eggen Netherlands, Maastricht. 1978-1983 Academy of Fine Arts - Maastricht - ABKM Monumental Design, painting, printmaking - day course. 2004 Multimedia / computer training WMI XP Scheidegger Training 80 percent Imaging - Digital photo editing. PowerPoint, Multimedia. 2005 Digital video editing - additional course. Personal web
Felipe Ehrenberg Brazil (Mexico),Sao Paulo. Born in 1943 in Mexico City, Felipe Ehrenberg counts on an extensive curriculum that is hybrid and difficult to define. His artistic activities for the most part focus on drawings, paintings, and sculptures. He is known for his affirmation of conceptual nature. He has also made literary contributions as an essayist and specialty columnist. He boasts over a hundred international exhibitions. He was co-founding publisher of Beau Geste Press/Libro Acción Libre in England where he has also published works. Personal web
Antonio Ehrenzweig Mexico,Leon,Guanajuato. Antonio Ehrenzweig was born in Torreón, Coahuila, Mexico on August, 1962. He studied Architecture at the Iberoamerican University in Leon, Guanajuato (1984-1988). Ehrenzweig worked as a professional artist for 25 years. He had 23 solo and 40 group exhibitions since 1980, and completed 37 murals for individual and corporate clients. Presently, He lives in Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico.
Ehrenzweig is influenced by a desert place called “The Silence Zone”, near to his native city Torreón, at the Central North of Mexico. He was drawn to the natural colors of this area and the fossils prevalent there. Later, living in a coastal city, Ciudad Obregón, Sonora, he was fascinated by sea life and the movement of water. Those three themes—fossils, sea life and the movement of water became his artistic language. Personal web
Mary Eisman USA (Spain),Mijas. Born in Florida, USA . She came to Spain 23 years ago after living in South America, Greece and the Caribbean. She studied printmaking at the Taller de Grabado with José María Córdoba in Fuengirola (Malaga/Spain) She lives and works in Mijas Pueblo. You can visit her studio by making an appointment. Personal web

Romana Ekelmans Netherlands.  Academy of Art and Design in 's-Hertogenbosch Graduation 30-06-2000

MiekeElzinga, Netherlands,1961, Hilversum, woont in Amersfoort. Kunst opleiding: 1980 – 1985; 1e graads leraarsopleiding tekenen en kunstgeschiedenis Academie voor Beeldende Vorming, Amersfoort. Lid van Kunst Etalage Amersfoort Noord, kunstenaarscollectief Artré, Kunstkijkroute en Galerie Absoluut, Amersfoort.Tentoonstellingen, o.a. Kunstbeurs Nulll, Pastorie Hoogland, Affordable Art Fair, A’dam. Maakt schilderijen en digital art met mobiele telefoon. Thema: portretten met gelaagdheid en kwetsbaarheid, die voortkomen uit herinneringen en emoties. web / Instagram  

Gabriela Escárcega Mexico, Tecate, Baja California. Date of Birth: November 28, 1967. Birthplace: Tijuana, Baja California. Personal web

Luis Alberto Espinoza López Peru,Lima. Born in 1983 in Lima, Peru. National School of Fine Arts of Peru 2003 – 2007. Update Program for obtaining Title - National School of Fine Arts of Peru 2008. National University of San Marcos Postgraduate Unit (Faculty of Arts and Humanities) - Complementary Bachelor of Arts - 2008. videos and Blog
Carmen Esplá Espejo Spain,Madrid. Born in Córdoba (Spain) in 1978, takes his artistic studies of dance, painting and video in Córdoba and Málaga and its further between Madrid and Barcelona. Develop a multidisciplinary work between dance and painting and combines his doctoral thesis research by participating in festivals, exhibits and displays of visual arts worldwide. Presently living in Madrid. Blog
Edgar A. Eubel Germany, Recklinghausen. Edgar A. Eubel , born in 1958 in Essen, Germany, 1980-1985 Study of Special Pedagogy in Dortmund (Department of Art) - 1991 Starting in the Vestischen Künstlerbund Recklinghausen. 1995 Märkisches scholarship for painting, Lüdenscheid - 1997 Inclusion in the West German Association of Artists. Lives and works in Datteln and Recklinghausen. The drawings are not "pure" graphic pages, they contain many pictorial element. The open form of composition, the visible area of the page, transformed to something less obvious, the mysterious depth to the color space scenes. .. Personal web

Soheyla B. Fahimi Iran,Germany, Mönchengladbach. 1981-1989 engineering study Textile / Clothing. Technology, specializing in design education in painting and design with Prof. Brown, Prof. Fritze, in silk painting with Prof. Pöllmann, at the FH Niederrhein Mönchengladbach. Starting from 1984 model presentations and exhibitions. Publications in various fashion magazines. Since 1988, Free graphic artist / designer 1997-1999 Co-founder of K & KO art workshop in Meerbusch. Since 1997 freelance artist and designer. Video / Personal web
Alejandra Farias  Argentina, Mar del Plata.
Jorge Feitosa Brasil
Victor Femenias von Willigmann Chile. Victor von Willigmann Femenias plastic is a Chilean artist. He was born in 1943 in Punta Arenas, Chile. Dedicated exclusively to the Engraving and best known for his work in large employing various methods and techniques of both traditional and modern engraving to associate and achieve complement figurative elements with abstract elements. Habil artist since childhood neglect their secondary studies at age 13 to devote entirely to the practice of drawing through a correspondence course in Buenos Aires. Started in the basic structural aspects of drawing: composition, perspective, chiaroscuro and anatomy, as well as the technical in graphite and ink with Argentine comic artists Alberto Breccia and Luis Salinas. Later attended the Winter School of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Chile (UCH) in his hometown. Blog
Inmaculada Fernández Duarte Spain, Marbella (Malaga). Law degree from the University of Zaragoza. She studied drawing at the Art School of Arts and Crafts in Málaga. She has attended several workshops in drawing and painting and modeling, and other courses as traditional printing. Study with Professor Aurelio Rodriguez. Personal web
Florencia Fernandez Frank Argentina, Buenos Aires. Florence Frank Fernandez, Buenos Aires, 1975. He graduated as a teacher of engraving ENBA "P.Pueyrredón" in 1998. Since then performs contemporary artistic practices that cross the boundaries of disciplines. Personal web
Raúl Fernández López Spain,Madrid. Degree in Psychology, University of Oviedo.Commercial Art director from 2001 to the present. He has attended various workshops in drawing and collage. Currently lives and develop his artistic and advertising work in Madrid and is responsible for the graphic image of Gallo Nero editions. web
Raúl Fernández Olivi Argentina, Santa Rosa, La Pampa. Raul Fernandez Olivi was born in 1954 in Santa Rosa, La Pampa in 1954 and deceased in 2014.He was formed as a painter and graduates at the Institute of Fine Arts in 1984. Granted by the Ministry of Culture of the Nation for a Pre-Columbian Art Seminar "The Augustinian society Sculpture" at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá. Began to dedicate himself exclusively to sculpture since 1990, serving also as a teacher. He is the responsible of the restoration Department of the Provincial Museum of Art, Santa Rosa, La Pampa, since 1987. Lives and works in Santa Rosa. Awards: (among others) XII Honor Grand Prix Hall of Plastic Arts Pampeano Sec. Recorded Single Award Section Terrain LXXXI National Salon of Plastic Arts Salon Grand Prix Pampeano Honor of Art. (1991) See videos
Cecilia Fernandez Quintana Chile, Santiago. Born in 1965 - Santiago de Chile. 1982-85 Licensed in Plastic Arts, Mencion in Scultpture. University of Chile. web
Rosario Fernandez Argentina, Santa Rosa, La Pampa. Higher Teacher Training Museologa. Instituto No 8.1997. la Plata, province of Buenos Aires. Provincial Master of Fine Arts Provincial Visuales.Instituto Artes.1987.Santa Rosa.provincia of Pampa. Teachers for Teaching Primaria.Escuela Normal Superior "Gral Julio Argentino Roca TTtte" 1978. Santa Rosa, provincia of Pampa. Bachillar - Perito Mercantil.instituto private instruction "Domingo Faustino Sarmiento".. 1966.Calchin. Province of Cordoba.
Ekrem Fetic Bosnia – Herzegovina, Zenice. Born 1956 in Zenica. Los Angeles Center for digital art, 107 West Fifth Street, Los Angeles, California U.S.A. Second Annual Snap to grid, The UN juried show, 2005. Lily in star, symbol of his website Personal web
Ingrid Filipczyk Germany, Kempen. Ingrid Filipczyk , born 1955 in Hagen, Germany. Studies and seminars in tailoring / costume making. High school in Kassel (SC Arts and Mathematics).Numerous trips in Europe, Africa and Asia. Extensive documentary photography. Instrumental training on the saxophone with Klaus Hack game, Ute Mansel and Ludger dam in jazz and improvisation. Member of the Kempen Big Band. Interdisciplinary studies of work with Stephan Paul Schneider and Nicola Schrudde and photography by Thomas Zika at the Free Academy of Fine Arts in Essen, Germany. Studies and seminars on aspects of synesthesia in music and fine arts / trend of inter-media concepts
Master class with Stephen Paul Schneider. Establishment of producers 'gallery' atelier gallery three four ". Member of the Association of Visual Artists (BBK Niederrhein) Member of producers 'gallery' studio - gallery artedos ". lives and works in Kempen, Germany. Personal web
Pilar Florén Bueno Spain, Malaga. Florén Pilar was born in Madrid in 1951 and in 1978 when the world shows an approximation of the tapestry being self-taught in the implementation of this technique. Getting the work done with a thick web of textile elements, giving volume and dimensions to your work, developed with different materials, with ropes, cotton and jute, builds frames acquiring various thicknesses that make genuine relief. videos
José Florez Nale Argentina, Santa Rosa, La Pampa
Violeta Fortes Spain,Malaga. Web
Setsuko Fukushima Japan (Germany) Personal web

Claudia Furlani Brazil, São Paulo. Claudia has participated in many national and international exhibitions, worldwide and has won 4 international awards (photography / digital art) Claudia Furlani creates dynamic urban images by mixing different media such as photography, digital work, painting and collage. His landscapes, characters and urban rhythms, resulting in scenes that seem to encapsulate a film made to provoke the viewer to discover a playful world that exists only in your imagination.Gene Johnson moved to South America, works in Mexico and Brasil.

Dragan Gacnik Bosnia – Herzegovina, Zenice. Born in Zenica in 1957, University artistic expression with prof. Dr. Milan Thighs in Lubljana

Pierre Galic Germany, Cologne. (D), the Academy of Fine Arts in Maastricht completed in 2004 as an artist. He focuses on graphic work, making use of both classical and printing techniques which are connected with the street as spraying with templates. Drawing is and will be based, in the work that can be. Seen as Street Art
Pierre Gallais France, Voiron Born 17/05/50 in St Aubin d'Aubigné (35). Bachelor E 1967 - Engineering Ecole Centrale de Lyon in 1972. Diploma of Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 1977. Has taught at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Aix-en-Provence in 1989: "Scientific Approach arts". Artist residency in L.E.P. The Martellière Voiron (38) in 1994. Personal web
Jürgen Gansweid Germany, Mönchengladbach. 1946 born in Hervest-Dorsten, Kreis Recklinghausen. 1960-63 apprenticeship as a surveyor, 1963 completion. 1963-70 Work as a surveying technician. 1970-73 studied at the art school in Krefeld, since 1972 Fachhochschule Niederrhein. 1976 freelance artist, in Mönchengladbach. Personal web
Jaak Geerits Belgium, Hasselt. Born 17 Januari 1954 in Sint-Huibrechts-Lille. “I aspire in my minimal images and words to a maximum content. All materials and media that I can express myself can help me in this area and I do not. Confine myself I go into the development of an idea and the use of a new medium, intuitively and steadily learning to work and trying my thinking and lead. The consequences of my images in a demanding process to an essence “. Personal web

Jolanda van Gennip Netherlands, Den Bosch. Born in 1965 Wagenberg, Netherlands Training: 1988 - 1993 Academy of Art and Design, 's-Hertogenbosch.
Johannes Christopher Gerard Netherlands, Den Haag. School for Graphic and Design, Cologne, Germany, 1975-1977.  Academy of Fine Arts, Dun Laoghaire School of Art and Design Dublin, Ireland, 1977-1981. Personal web
Godelieve Geurts Netherlands, Roermond. Training Institute: Academy of Art and Design in 's-Hertogenbosch. Specialization: Sculpture, Beginning / end of study: 1971-1976.Personal web
Cecilia Graciela Ghiraldo Argentina, Buenos Aires. Born in Argentina 17 Diciembre de 1971. 1990 – 1994. University of Architecture, Design and Urbanism of Buenos Aires, Title Graphic Design
1996 - 1997 Workshop Perez Celis. 1997 - 1998 Workshop Sergio Moscona. 2006 – 2010. workshop Florence Frank Fernandez. Personal web
Eduardo Giacometti Uruguay (Spain), Mijas. Born in the Oriental Republic of Uruguay. He has his studio in Mijas (Malaga) Spain. 1968 Studied drawing with Lincon Presno in Montevideo. 1969/70/71 studied art at the e.n.b.a. University of the Republic, Study tempera, oil on art school university UTU 1973/74/75/76/77 / studied painting and silkscreen with the teacher Miguel Angel Pareja. Studies Cinematheque film technique in Uruguay and Montevideo Film Degree. Personal web
Karin Gielen Belgium, Hasselt. Karin Gielen, born in 1963, Studied art history in Ghent, followed subsequently a degree program at the academy in Chapels and works as an independent artist. Personal web
Hans Helmut Giesen Germany, Korschenbroich. Borm 1964. 1983-1984 course of drawing and photography. 1985-1989 Studied philosophy in Dusseldorf. 1989-1996 training as a textile technician. 1998 resumption of artistic work
Hubert Glaser Germany, Passau. born in 1952. Painter and sculptor, studied architecture in Cologne, 1977-83 employed architect in Leverkusen, Germany, from 1976 to experiences in free sculpture with Albrecht Klauer - Simonis, Weißenseifen / Eifel, from 1984, residing in Passau and only freelance artistic and creative activity work focuses on painting, sculpture for discussions of existential questions, no general definition of a representation or technique-specific appropriateness of the topics treatment - also with regard to the material. Orders for glass window designs as well as for design of chapel rooms and art and architecture, most recently also installations for several international symposia of the German Ludwig Wittgenstein Society at the University of Passau on issues of globalization. Personal web
Sylvia Gnatz Germany, Aicha vorm Wald. 1987-92 studied interior architecture / design
1987-92 wood sculpture with Prof.Dr. Rudolf Endriss. 1991 Academy of Arts, Berlin seminar with Jürgen Böttcher (Strawalde) Department of Film and Media Arts. 1992 Thesis Film Architecture "The Man in the Elevator" by Heiner Müller 1992 Ing (fh) interior architecture / design. 1993 independent artist. 1999 multimedia designer drawing and wood, photography and film, new media-digital art. "Art is an international language that does not need words and letters." . Numerous exhibitions at home and abroad. videos Personal web
Pit Goertz Germany, Düren. Born in the Lower Eifel, Germany, 1955. Getting artistic touches by the father and later by Walter Recker 1968. Actual Orientation: Musk. Knowledge years later: "too labor intensive". Turn to buldenden art: "Studies in Cologne". Then seven years desperate attempts to escape the nightmare and to reach their own ways. breakthrough in 1987. After 3 years working as a carpenter and roofer finally the self-discovery as an artist.
The materiality of wood, slate, lead and zinc found me. Personal web
Annet Goetheer Netherlands, Utrecht.Born in 1962 Den Haag. Art Academy Utrecht. The works of Annet Goetheer are very diverse.She uses different disciplines and materials. The works have a look at the everyday reality.
Joaquin Goldstein Peru (Argentina), Lima. 2005. Member of the Caminal Cultural Association in Barcelona, ​​Spain. 2003-2004. Member of the Mina Cultural Association in Barcelona, ​​Spain. 2001-2002. Works as free in the Albarran workshop in Barcelona, Spain. 1998-2001. Work and study in Juan Astica Workshop, which ventures into drawing and painting with various techniques. Personal web
Esperanza Gómez Carrera Great Britain (Spain), London. Born in Malaga, Spain, lives and works in London. BA in Psicology.Granada University. Drawings, Gilt and Polychrome painting. Malaga Art and Trade College. Professional Development Sculpture. Kensington and Chelsea College. London. HNC in Fine Art . Kensington and Chelsea College. London. Personal web
Eunice Gómez Cuba, Havana.
Jesús Gómez Ortega  (See artista name: Acebuch)
Jormay González Monduy Cuba, Havana. Graduate course 2000 - 2004 at the National Academy of Fine Arts "San Alejandro" specialty painting, and participating as a student in the International Meetings of teachers and students 2004 and 2001. He currently works at the Academy of San Alejandro as Curator and Professor of Painting and Drawing for foreigners.
Bibiana Gonzalez Argentina, Santa Rosa, La Pampa. Bibiana González was born on January 8, 1973 in Victoria (La Pampa, Argentina), from five years old and lives in Santa Rosa (La Pampa). En 1994 egresó del I.P.B.A (Instituto Provincial de Bellas Artes) de La Pampa, egresó como Profesora en artes visuales en el Centro Regional de Educación Artística (CREAR) de La Pampa. Blog
Paco González Spain, Malaga. Francisco Alberto González, Spanish artist born in Malaga in 1952, died in Malaga  in 2008. Desde edad muy temprana, su actividad está relacionada con el dibujo y la pintura, principalmente. Realiza desde muy joven encargos pictóricos, especialmente centrados en el retrato. Prácticamente toda su trayectoria artística ha sido autodidacta.Ha desarrollado su actividad profesional como profesor Técnico de Formación Profesional en la Rama de Imagen y Sonido. Dentro de su actividad artística, ha destacado una amplia trayectoria en el mundo de la Fotografía, habiendo participado en numerosas exposiciones y actividades relacionadas con esta disciplina, así como en el campo del diseño.
Mariela Gonzalez Argentina, Toay, La Pampa. She was born on January 1, 1974 , in Relmo province of La Pampa, Argentina . In 1995 she graduated from the School of Visual Arts " Martin A. Malharro " Mar del Plata , career illustration . Integra Project team teaching " comprehensive workshops Malvonas Art The Scarlet " which makes a community work in the suburbs of the city of Santa Rosa , La Pampa.She participated in various salons in group shows and solo exhibitions in various artistic activities : events , murals, plays, street interventions
Charlotte Gordon USA (Spain), Mijas. Charlotte Gordon was born in the United States and graduated from the College Museum of Art and the University of Pennsylvania (BAA) of Philadelphia. She has taught art at the University of Arkansas. Her work has been developed in the sculpture. Since 1990, she is also making prints. She first came to Spain in the year '59. In '64, with her husband, a house and two studies in Míjas were built, and since '73 has lived exclusively there. Web
Lydia Görlich Germany, Wegberg. 1967 training for techn. Drawing. 1979 Start of the artistic work. 1997-2001 Studied painting / graphics at the Fine Art Academy Rhein / Ruhr, Essen Stephan Schneider.2001 completion of the course painting / graphics. 2001-2002 Postgraduate studies Fine Arts Academy AG Essen, a master student of Stephan Schneider.
Ilona de Graaf Netherlands, Odiliënberg. Born in South Limburg Brunssum, 1942. Training:      Art Academy Maastricht, monument. 1961-1962 . Pedac. Heerlen 1960 to 1984 teacher for Crafts. Academy of Fine Arts Leuven (B) 1990-1994. Personal web
Ria de Graaf Netherlands, Den Helder. Born: 30-11-1941 at Beverwijk. Education: Fully Qualified Schoolteacher 22 years of teaching experience in secondary education (school board). Course Counseling and Student counseling at the University of Utrecht. New Academy of Fine Arts in Utrecht. Training and Therapy Mandala Drawing Zutphen.  Study trip to New York in 1988.
Claudio Grandinetti Italy, Cosenza. Claudio Grandinetti was born in 1952, April 27th in Cosenza, Italy where he lives. From 2001 he works at Magna Graecia University in Catanzaro, Italy. In 1975 he had his first solo exhibition and than many contemporary art exhibitions in many Italian cities. He participated also to the fifth edition of the Expo Arte in Bari, Italy, to the Biennale Silarte and to the Sud & Sud Fair. Personal web
Granville Great Britain, Liverpool. Granville, painter, born as Granville Atherton, in Liverpool, UK, 12th July 1945. Attended Northwich College of Art, 1962 - 65. Studied Art History, Painting, Textile and General Design. Attended Southport College of Art, 1980-81. Studied Photography. First exhibition of paintings held at the Playhouse Theatre, Liverpool. Early works were inspired by the images of the Northern Industrial Landscape. The imagery was simplified using flat areas of color, surrounded with a black line. An obvious influence at this time in his development was, amongst others, Patriok Caulfield. By 1979 he had moved away from this rather omber,  grey imagery of factories and street scenes to develop an understanding of the human form. Although the style remained much the same, these figurative paintings became pure fantasy. It was in 1984 that he made his first visit to Spain and was immediately engulfed by the immense beauty of the country. It was inevitable that this encounter would have a profound effect upon his work. Abandoning all that had gone before,  he began to develop a vigorous and more spontaneous approach, which he believes the subject demands. Present day influences must include, David Bomberg and Howard Hodgkin. First Spanish exhibition was in Madrid 1991, with another group show in 1992. This was followed by a solo exhibition in Malaga, 1993. He continues to travel between the U.K. and Spain, exhibiting in both countries. Facebook
Ulla Grigat Germany, Mönchengladbach. Ulla Grigat , born in 1943 in Freital, Germany. Lives and works in Mönchengladbach (D). 1958-1961 Apprenticeship as ceramic painter - staatliche Majolika Manufaktur, Karlsruhe. 1963-1965 Arts and Crafts School Pforzheim with teachers Rothe and Seidel. 1965-1968 National Academy of Arts in Karlsruhe with Professor G. Meistermann. 1968-1971 State Art Academy Dusseldorf master student of the Professor Joseph Beuys and R. Geiger. Personal web
Joelinho Jaime Guerra Jara Peru, Lima. Born in 1978, Santiago - Ayacucho (PE). Visual Artist Visual Professional, Project Manager for art, culture and social. With a second career in business and management allowing you to have a comprehensive view of reality. Since 2002 collaborates providing advice to various public institutions - private and participates as a judge in various artistic and cultural activities. Currently he is a founding member (President) of the Association Cultural Village Peru. . Also devotes his time to teaching and artistic production, his works are in private collections. Blog
Ronald Guillén Cuba, Holguín. born in Havana, Cuba, on January 14, 1968. Painter, printmaker, graphic designer
Member of the UNEAC (Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba). Independent Creator of FCBC (Cuban Fund of Cultural Goods). Web